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Gadsden State faculty and staff win Chancellor’s Awards

Gadsden, Ala. — 11月11日,阿拉巴马州社区学院协会会议上,十大正规赌平台平台2019年校长奖的获奖者得到了认可. 24 in Montgomery.

“Every year, 十大正规赌平台平台通过颁发校长奖来表彰那些一直表现出色的员工,” said Dr. Martha Lavender, president of Gadsden State. “这些员工总是愿意超越期望为我们的学生提供支持. They are to be congratulated for this worthy achievement.”

两位教员被选为获奖者——劳拉·安·马丁·苏林斯和劳伦斯博士. Richard Dobbs. 支持人员奖颁给了帕姆·诺亚,管理员奖得主是帕姆·诺亚博士. Deborah Curry.

To be eligible for the awards, they were required to submit a resume, three letters of recommendation and a written narrative.  As winners, they received a $1,000 discretionary fund to be used for equipment, professional development or teaching supplies.

Dr. Curry

Dr. Deborah Curry

Dr. Deborah Curry is the winner of the Chancellor’s Award for administrators. She currently serves as the dean of Health Sciences, a position she has held since 2016, and is responsible for the oversight of seven programs. Most recently, 她在实施诊断医学超声检查计划方面发挥了重要作用, 她正在努力获得学院口腔卫生课程的认证.

库里有30多年的护理经验,曾在三家医疗中心的重症监护室和急诊室工作. She is also a family nurse practitioner. She became a nursing educator in 1994 at Jacksonville State University, where she was employed for 17 years and achieved associate professorship.

Curry earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from JSU. 1989年,她获得了阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校的护理学硕士学位. 2004年,她被芝加哥RUSH大学授予护理博士学位. 她还拥有高级心脏生命支持证书,是一名有执照的注册护士和执业护士.

She has presented to many professional organizations and conferences, including the Sigma Theta Tau International Conference, Drexel University Nurse Educator Conference, 阿拉巴马州护士协会和国际农村和远程护士网络. She has been recognized with several awards, 包括JSU教师研究奖和年度优秀教师. Most recently, 她获得了加兹登/埃托瓦商会颁发的2018年卓越管理奖.

库里曾在卡尔霍恩县的美国癌症协会董事会任职, 杰克逊维尔医疗中心董事会和护理过渡合作伙伴董事会. 她目前任职于Riverview Regional Medical Center的管理委员会.

Richard Dobbs

Dr. Richard Dobbs

Dr. 理查德·多布斯(Richard Dobbs)是校长奖的两位获奖者之一. 自1996年以来,他一直担任十大正规赌平台平台的历史和政治学讲师. 他曾担任学院社会科学部主任三年,并担任学院社会科学部督导委员会主席及教务委员会主席. 他曾担任多元化委员会共同主席,并在酒精和药物滥用委员会任职, Institutional Advancement Committee and Athletic Committee. He has also advised the Trans-Pacific Leadership Program, the Political Science Student Association, the Gadsden State Political Club and the Gadsden State International Club. In 2016, 他被选为格兹登州立大学布伦达·克劳杰出成就奖的获得者.

Dobbs started his education at Troy University, 他在那里获得了历史学学士学位,并参加了全国冠军足球队. 1992年,他获得了阿拉巴马大学政治学和历史学硕士学位. 十年后,UA授予他政治学哲学博士学位. He has worked as an adjunct professor at Jacksonville State University, the UA Graduate School, Alabama A&M大学,谢尔顿州立社区学院和中南社区学院.

多布斯曾在若干专题讨论会上并就联合国等专题向当地机构和组织作报告, Middle East and the American culture in the 1920s. He has served as a volunteer coach at a private school for over 15 years, where he coached football and soccer. He also served as president of Fusion, F.C., a local soccer club.

Laura Sullins

Laura Ann Martin Sullins
劳拉·安·马丁·苏林斯也是一位教师奖的获得者. 自2014年以来,她一直在十大正规赌平台平台艾尔斯校区担任演讲和英语讲师. 她还在杰克逊维尔州立大学担任公共安全电信的兼职讲师. Previously, 她曾在十大正规赌平台平台担任兼职讲师,并在阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校担任研究生助教.

苏林斯于2006年5月毕业于JSU,获得英语文学硕士学位. 2014年,她获得了UAB传播管理硕士学位. 她毕业于十大正规赌平台平台教师发展研究所和领导学院. 她曾向阿拉巴马州社区学院协会和阿拉巴马州通信协会发表演讲.

At Gadsden State, she has been on the SACS Accreditation Writing Committee, the Professional Development Committee, the Hospitality Committee and the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee. For three years, 她一直是美国技能职业准备小组的顾问,并有学生在州一级的准备演讲比赛中获得第一名. 她还担任红骑士自行车俱乐部和戏剧俱乐部的顾问. She is the winner of the 2018 Pierce C. Cain Exceptional Achievement in Teaching Award, 该奖项每年颁发给艾尔斯校区的一名学术教员.

Pam Noah

Pam Noah
帕姆·诺亚(Pam Noah)是为加兹登州赢得校长奖的支持人员. 自2003年以来,她一直担任总统的行政助理,为四位现任总统服务. Previously, she worked for Ayers State Technical College, now known as Gadsden State’s Ayers Campus, as a computer programmer and secretary. Prior to Ayers and Gadsden State, she worked as a data entry clerk at M&H Valve Co. and secretary for the Anniston Army Depot.

Noah is a graduate of Ayers State Technical College, where she earned a diploma in Computer Science Technology. 2013年,她获得雅典州立大学管理学学士学位. She is a graduate of the Gadsden State Leadership Development Institute.

For many years, 诺亚一直活跃于国际行政专业人员协会. 她曾在地方和州分会担任过许多领导职务, including chair of the Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee, 退休信托基金委员会及新生分会委员会. 她于2003年在安尼斯顿分会任职期间被任命为杰出分会主席,并于2009年在加兹登分会获得杰出会长奖.